Building The Perfect Meal

- a 3 week short course -
2 - 23 July 2022

Sign up for free now

Click the link below to join the Food Lovers Fat Busting Habits private Facebook group – the official platform for the course.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Building the perfect meal mini
course - 2-23 July 2022

The course to help you confidently, consistently and effortlessly compile perfectly balanced and satisfying meals based on your individual needs, without following boring strict diets, giving up the foods you love or making hundreds of changes all at once, so you can skyrocket your nourishment, immunity, mood, digestion and much more...

Course Roadmap

Download the Building The Perfect Meal Cheat Sheet and check out an overview of the exact actions necessary in order to build the perfect meal! This is also the core content we will be addressing in the course...

Go ahead and join the course already 😉

Click the link below to join the official Facebook group where the course will be delivered for free!

I can’t wait for you to join.

The Benefits Of Joining

Well, some of them...
Release toxins from the body

How will the course work?

All content will be delivered within the Food Lovers Fat Busting Habits private FB group (which is free to join remember 😉 )
Training Videos

A training video will be released every Friday of the course, reviewing the previous week (if applicable), teaching you the most essential and valuable information relevant to the current step, as well as guiding you through the coming weeks resources and homework.

Practical Homework

Homework for this course will be the implementation of what we learn and discuss together in the provided lessons. You will also receive a digital course workbook, containing tools and guidelines to make use of, helping you create simple habits out of everything you learn.

Motivation, accountability & check-ins

Before providing you with the next lesson, I will create a space where you can provide feedback and concerns of the completed week. You will also always be able to ask questions on the group, which I will personally answer as well. This way we keep each other motivated and on track, in a friendly environment.

Course Content & Pricing

  • ZAR 0.00
  • Course Content
    • Confidently, consistently and effortlessly compile perfectly balanced and satisfying meals based on your individual needs, without following boring strict diets, giving up the foods you love or making hundreds of changes all at once, so you can skyrocket your nourishment and feel amazing.
    • Understand the different types of nutrients your body needs to function optimally, the quantities in which you need them, as well how often you need them, based on the latest peer-reviewed science.
    • You’ll be able to implement the most effective formulas for creating healthier habits in no time!
    • You’ll know the difference between real and processed foods, how to eat more of the former without forcing yourself, plus how to still include all your favorite processed foods you just can’t live without as part of a balanced diet.
    • Lifetime access to the course and all its present and future content.
    • Bonus resources included!

What some of my clients have to say

Elode Lessing

I have learned and applied so much that healthy eating has become enjoyable and second nature. I couldn’t believe it! I felt so great and even my pain subsided. I didn’t even care if I lost weight (because I didn’t think I can) but I get getting compliments on my weight loss. It was a nice bonus, as my greatest win was how energized and free I felt, something I didn’t feel when unhealthy lifestyle choices were the norm.

Elizabeth Pelser

I now feel good about myself, people compliment me for looking good and I feel much better doing the exercises at gym.

Louis Theron

JW, thanks for the holistic approach you took in helping me achieve my health goals. Your approach and guidance are always practical, making it easy for me to follow and understand.

About The Course Instructor

“Hey friends this is John-Willy Pelser, founder of Balanced Bear Nutrition. I created this course to help you confidently, consistently and effortlessly compile perfectly balanced and satisfying meals based on your individual needs, without following boring strict diets, giving up the foods you love or making hundreds of changes all at once, so you can skyrocket your nourishment and feel amazing.

When I started in the nutrition coaching space, I was completely overwhelmed and overloaded by all the information, offers and content flooding my inbox and newsfeed. After spending years on every course, coaching program and diet I could get my hands on I realized that instead of crushing health and fat loss goals, I was actually going backwards! The more I consumed, the less I got done!

Only after I “zoomed out” and created a complete “A-Z” strategy that covers every step required to lose fat in a healthy, sustainable way, did I get results.

And the results have been crazy…

Still not convinced?

It will be my pleasure to chat with you personally and answer any questions you might have about me or the course

Simply book your free strategy call from the link below